Jong-Hyun Baik
Doctoral Student
- Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2022-present
- M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, South Korea, 2022
- B.S. Civil Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea, 2020
Research activities and interests
- PFAS detection sensors
- MFC biosensors for water toxicity
- A biopolymer-based simple and reagentless electrochemical manganese check in water
- Bioenergy production from wastes

Stephanie Stoll
Doctoral Student
- Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2022- present
- M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2022
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2020
Research activities and interests
- Hydrothermal gasification of concentrated black water to produce energy and low tier water
- MC-LR detection biosensor development and application to HAB events
- COVID-19 wastewater collection and surveillance research

Samuel Adjei-Nimoh
Doctoral Student
- Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, Fall 2023 – present
- MSc. Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2023
- MSc. Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2021
- BSc. Civil Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana, 2008
Work Experiences
- WASH Consultant for Government of Ghana / UNICEF WASH Programme, 2015 – 2020
- Water Supply Project Engineer for Devtraco Limited, Ghana, 2012 – 2015
- Assistant Water Supply and Civil Engineer for AB-Serkoms Limited, 2009 – 2012
Research activities and interests
- Development of sensor packages for blackwater treatment and reuse
- Development of DIY filter systems for greywater treatment and reuse
- Electrochemical sensors for MC-LR detection in water systems
Honors and Awards
- Best Masters Student in Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (Associated Consultants Limited Award, 2023)

Lance Rances
Master Student
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2020-present
- Minor in French and Francophone Studies, 2020-present
Research activities and interests
- Manufacturing MC-LR microsensor
- Optimizing design antibody for MC-LR microsensor
Honors and awards
- 2024-25 NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) Masters Fellowship
- Burnett Honors College Scholar, 2020-present
- Fall 2021 Dean’s List honors
- Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholar recipient

Jennifer Hughes
Undergraduate Student
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2021-present
- B.S. Biology, University of Central Florida, 2021-present
- Minor in Bioengineering
Research activities and interests
- Harmful algal bloom (HAB)’s cyanotoxin monitoring sensor development
- Photoalgal hydrogen production
- Fe nanoparticle effect on plant growth (REU)
Honors and awards
- Track 1 (SURF Fellow), Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR), UCF, 2022
- Plant-STEM REU, National Science Foundation, USU, 2023
- EPA P3 Competition Phase 1, Environmental Protection Agency, 2023
- Burnett Honors Scholar, 2021-present
- President’s Honor Roll, Fall 2021-present
- Provost Scholarship

Julia Going
Undergraduate Student
- B.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Central Florida, 2021-present
Research activities and interests
- Development of on-site electrochemical sensors for pathogens such as E.coli
- Advancement of photo-algal hydrogen production
Honors and awards
- The President’s Honor Roll 2021-Present
- Benacquisto Scholarship
- AAC All-Academic Team