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Civil Engineering Student Receives $5,000 Scholarship

October 26, 2023
Civil engineering student Jorge Orozco-Herrera has been named a 2023 recipient of the Thomas J. Wysockey Civil Engineering Scholarship, sponsored by the Deep Foundations Institute. He is one of 32 students to receive a scholarship through the DFI Educational Trust and one of three recipients of the Wysockey scholarship. “This scholarship means for me more…

3 Faculty Awarded With Promotion and Tenure

July 14, 2023
One-hundred-forty-three UCF faculty members, including three from the UCF Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, recently achieved significant career milestones in earning promotions and tenure for the 2022-23 cycle. The approved faculty­ — 93 for promotion, 49 for promotion and tenure and one for tenure — underwent a rigorous evaluation of their work and…

UCF Part of National Team Helping Protect Infrastructure from Future Hurricanes

October 25, 2017
Simple words spoken by an elderly woman in Cape Coral are an example of why UCF engineering Assistant Professor Luis Arboleda-Monsalve works so hard to make a difference in his profession, which in turn has a direct impact on hurricane readiness. “She told us to make sure to do something good with the report,” said…