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Omer Tatari received his doctoral degree from the University of Maryland, College Park. He received his master’s degree in industrial engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, and a master’s degree in construction management from Istanbul Technical University.
Tatari’s research focuses on integrated sustainability assessment. Tatari is the subject editor of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, a leading scientific journal in LCA research. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications in the area of sustainability and infrastructure management.
Tatari has supervised 14 doctoral students and six master’s students.
- Sustainable engineering
- Sustainable construction
- Life cycle assessment
- Green buildings
- Sustainable infrastructure systems
- Ercan, T., Onat, N. C., Keya, N., Tatari, O., Eluru, N., Kucukvar, M. (2022). “Autonomous electric vehicles can reduce carbon emissions and air pollution in cities.” Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 112, 103472.
- Alghamdi, F., Tatari, O., and Alghamdi, L. (2022). “Enhancing the decision-making process for public-private partnerships infrastructure projects: a socio-economic system dynamic approach.” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 69, 1-22
- Shehadeh, A., Alshboul, O., Tatari, O., Alzubaidi, M. A., and Salama, A. (2022). “Selection of heavy machinery for earthwork activities: A multi-objective optimization approach using a genetic algorithm.” Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (10), 7555-7569. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aej.2022.01.010
- Alshboul, O., Shehadeh, A., Tatari, O., Almasabha, G., and Saleh, E. (2022). “Multiobjective and multivariable optimization for earthmoving equipment.” Journal of Facilities Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/JFM-10-2021-0129
- Alghamdi, F., Tatari, O., and Alghamdi, L. (2022). “A socio-economic multi-objective optimization approach toward enhancing public–private partnerships’ concession agreements in infrastructure development.” Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 1-26, https://doi.org/10.1177/20555636221086224
- Associate member, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education
- Member, World Society of Sustainable Energy Technology
- LEED Accredited Professional since 2010
- CCE 4003: Intro to the Construction Industry
- CCE 4004: Construction Methods
- CCE 5220: Sustainable Infrastructure Systems
- CCE 6045: Cost Analysis of Sustainable Systems
- CCE 6817: Dynamics of Sustainable Systems
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