Necati Catbas
Lockheed Martin St. Laurent Professor
Email: Catbas@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-3743
Office: ENG II, Room 225
- Biography
- Research
- Publications
- Awards
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- News
F. Necati Catbas is Lockheed Martin St. Laurent Professor at the UCF Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, and the founding director of the Civil Infrastructure Technologies for Resilience and Safety (CITRS) Lab. Catbas’ research interests span theoretical, experimental and applied aspects of structural identification, structural health monitoring, non-destructive evaluation, condition assessment of structural systems and earthquake engineering with applications on structures such as bridges, buildings, aerospace structures and components, and stadium structures. He has been consistently ranked in the top 2% of his field in civil engineering worldwide published in articles by Stanford researchers (Ioannidis et al, 2020) as well as one of the top civil/structural engineering professors in the AD Scientific Index (2023). He is on the editorial board of several journals including, associate editor for the ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, handling editor for the Journal of the Transportation Research Board, the Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal. He served on the executive board of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, served as the chair of the ASCE Structural Identification Technical Committee, among others. Catbas has received several awards and honors for his research, teaching and service activities, such as the Aftab Mufti Medal from the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, and the Kikuchi-Karlaftis Award from the Transportation Research Board. Catbas is a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida, and he is an elected Fellow of ASCE and SEI.
- Infrastructure
- Bridges
- Sensing
- Monitoring
- Assessment
- Debees, M., Luleci, F., Dong, C. and Catbas, F.N. (2023) “Investigating the Increase in Load Rating and Reliability of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge When Utilizing Field-Derived Distribution and Impact Factors” J of Bridge Engineering, ASCE (accepted)
- Luleci F, Catbas FN, Avci O (2023) “Generative Adversarial Networks for Labeled Acceleration Data Augmentation for Structural Damage Detection. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (13), pages 181–198 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13349-022-00627-8
- Dong, C.Z., Bas, S. and Catbas, F.N. (2022) “Applications of computer vision-based structural monitoring on long-span bridges in Turkey” Sensor Journal 2023, Volume 23, Issue 19, 8161 (https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/19/8161# )
- Luleci, F., and Catbas, F.N. (2023) “Condition Transfer Between Prestressed Bridges Using Structural State Translation for Structural Health Monitoring” AI in Civil Engineering Journal, Springer (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43503-023-00016-0#Sec3 )
- Catbas, F.N. and Avci, O. (2022) “A Review of Latest Trends in Bridge Health Monitoring” The themed issue ‘Bridge and transport network resilience” Bridge Engineering Journal, Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) (https://doi.org/10.1680/jbren.21.00093 )
- Karaaslan, E., Bagci, U. and Catbas, F.N. (2021) “Attention-Guided Analysis of Infrastructure Damage with Semi-Supervised Deep Learning” Automation in Construction Journal, Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103634 (Volume 125, May 2021, 103634)
- Celik, O., Terrell, T., Gul, M. and Catbas, F.N. (2018), “Sensor Clustering Technique For Practical Structural Monitoring and Maintenance” Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, An International Journal” Techno Press 5, No. 2 (2018) 273-295 DOI: https:// doi.org/10.12989/smm.2018.5.2.273)
- Hiasa, S., Birgul, R., Matsumoto, M. and Catbas, F.N. (2018) “Experimental and Numerical Studies for Suitable Infrared Thermography Implementation on Concrete Bridge Decks” Measurement Journal, Elsevier, 121, 144-159, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.02.019)
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Fellow, Structural Engineering Institute
- Kikuchi-Karlaftis Award by ABJ70 Transportation Research Board, AI in Transportation
- Aftab Mufti Medal, awarded from International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure and Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
- UCF Luminary Award, inaugural award presented at a special ceremony on 10/18/2017
- Winner of the Technical Excellence Award by All Professional Engineering Societies in the Central Florida Area.
- Frontiers of Engineering, selection by National Academy of Engineering
- NASA Certificate of Recognition, from NASA Glenn Research Center
- University Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, recognized at the Founder’s Day Honors Convocation
- American Society of Civil Engineers, member, past-chair or ASCE Structural Engineering Institute Technical Committees: “System Identification of Constructed Facilities;” “Safety of Bridges”, past secretary of SEI-ASCE Technical Council on Life-Cycle Performance, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structural Systems, and members of several committees
- International Association for Bridge Management and Safety; member, chair of Bridge Health Monitoring Committee
- Society of Experimental Mechanics; member, past chair of Society for Experimental Mechanics “Civil Structures Testing Technical Division”; past member of the Executive Board of SEM
- International Society of Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure member
- International Association for Live Cycle Civil Engineering member
- Editorial board member, handling editor and associate editor of several journals such as ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Transportation Research Record, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal, ICE Structures and Buildings, Structure Monitoring and Maintenance Journal, Advances in Bridge Engineering Journal
- EGN 1007: Engineering Concepts and Methods (Fall 08, Fall 11)
- ENG 3310: Statics (Fall 07, Spr 08, Spr 19, Fall 19, Spr 20, Fall 20, Fall 21, Spr 22)
- CES 4100: Structural Analysis I
- CES 4101: Structural Analysis II
- CES 5937/5144: Matrix Structural Analysis
- CES 5325: Bridge Engineering
- CES 6116: Finite Element Analysis
- CES 6209: Dynamics of Structures
- CE 585: Modeling, Monitoring and Assessment of Structures
- CE 586: Advanced Topics in Structural Health Monitoring
- MEM 800-566/567/568: System Dynamic Analysis I-II-III)