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Haitham Al-Deek is an international expert with more than 32 years of experience in transportation engineering, planning and operations. He is nationally recognized in the fields of freeway operations and intelligent transportation systems. He is also well known for his contributions to the field of wrong way driving with various ITS countermeasures. He is currently working on utilizing connected vehicles to stop wrong-way drivers. He received numerous awards from the national US Research Council Transportation Research Board. In 2018 and 2012, he received the TRB’s Chairman Award in recognition of his meritorious service, leadership, and substantial contributions to the field of freeway operations as the chair of the paper review subcommittee of the TRB Freeway Operations Committee (ACP20). He also received two certificates of appreciation from the TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (Regional TSM&O) Committee in 2018 and 2012 (ACP10). He received the best TRB paper awards in freeway operations for the years 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2015, 2009, and 2003. His students won the best TRB student paper award in freeway operations for 2022, 2019, 2018, and 2017 years. He also received the best TRB paper award in Regional Transportation Management and Operations in 2023, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2013. Professor Al-Deek had numerous media interviews on wrong-way driving, e.g., Channel 6 CBS News in 2022, FOX NOW 19 news in 2016, and Channel 9 news in 2015 and 2014 featuring the innovative wrong-way driving countermeasure he and his research team came up with in partnership with Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), which was later implemented for the first time in North America. He has three U.S. patents, two registered marks, and eight copyrights. He was featured as a distinguished researcher by the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science in 2003.
After earning his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in civil engineering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1991 and 1987 respectively, Al-Deek joined the University of Central Florida in 1992. Since then, he has supervised 15 Ph.D. dissertations and 29 M.S. theses to completion. He was the faculty advisor of the Institute of Transportation Engineers student chapter at UCF from 1993 to 2019. He won the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science Excellence in Research at Professor Level award in April 2018 and won the UCF Research Incentive Award twice in 2018 and in 2001. He won the UCF Researcher of the 1999 Year Campus Wide Award. He has won the Teaching Incentive Program awards at UCF five times in addition to several other teaching awards.
Al-Deek has attracted $10.3 million dollars of research funding with over 79 applied research projects throughout his career. He has more than 404 peer reviewed publications and presentations, and close to 4,322 Google Scholar citations h-index is 32 as of December 2023. His primary areas of research are: wrong way driving and countermeasures, connected and automated vehicles, intelligent transportation systems and traffic information systems, electronic toll collection and traffic management systems, freight transportation and clean energy. He has done multidisciplinary research in many other areas such as traffic safety, including developing new methods for safety performance functions and identifying high risk safety corridors, driver simulators and man-in-the loop, modeling of the impact of traffic congestion on air quality and sustainable transportation.
The following are highlights of his research contributions in four main areas with significant impact on society and worldwide community:
1) The first to invent (in partnership with CFX) new wrong way detection and control system with high success rate (87.56%) (1535 out of 1753 WWDs self-corrected), a new way to stop wrong-way drivers through the application of connected vehicles; new ways to notify right-way drivers of the presence of wrong way drivers to avoid fatal crashes. He was the first to invent a new method for identifying wrong way driving hotspots and lone wolf optimization algorithm.2) He was the original developer of the Central Florida Data Warehouse (CFDW™) and its concept.
3) The first to evaluate E-PASS (Electronic Toll Collection and Traffic Management Systems) before and after they were deployed in Orlando in the mid-1990s.
4) The first to study and forecast truck and freight movements at Florida’s 14 deep seaports for a period of six years.
Al-Deek is the technical editor of TRR (TRB journal). He is the chair of paper review subcommittees of the TRB Freeway Operations and the TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (Regional TSM&O) Committees since 2000. He also chaired the paper review subcommittee of the TRB Freight Transportation Data Committee for 7 years (2001-2007). He is the associate editor of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal (J-ITS) since 2007 (J-ITS 2021 Impact Factor 4.318 and is ranked 13/38 among transportation and science technology journals). He is also an active registered professional engineer in Florida since 1998.
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering-Transportation Engineering, October 1991. University of California, Berkeley
- M.S. in Civil Engineering-Transportation Engineering, December 1987. University of California, Berkeley
- B.S. in Civil Engineering (with Honors), July 1985
- Modeling of connected and automated vehicles, including connected freight, and their potential traffic operations and safety applications
- Analyzing operational and safety impacts of disabled and abandoned vehicles on limited access facilities
- Development of roadway corridor safety approach to identify high-risk corridors and prevent fatalities on roadways
- Developing safety performance and traffic operations functions for intersections based on a roadway context classification approach
- Innovative toll visitor pass methods
- Traffic incident management
- Move over laws
- Analysis, modeling and evaluation of wrong-way driving activities and driver behavior on high speed roads
- Evaluating existing and new countermeasures for combating wrong way driving
- Hotspot identification models and optimization methodologies for implementing advanced wrong way driving countermeasures with limited investment levels and/or resources
- Evaluating the potential of connected and autonomous vehicles in combating wrong way driving
- Application of novel wrong driving hotspot and lone wolf optimization methodology® to out-of-state networks nationwide
- Evaluating the impact and usefulness of highway advisory radio and citizens’ band radio advisory systems in providing traveler information
- Modeling the impact of mileage based user fee and CAFÉ standards on highway finance
- Modeling the impact of Transit Signal Priority and TSP technology
- Modeling the benefits of regional implementation strategies for bus rapid transit and active traffic management
- Active traffic and demand management
- Traffic operations and driver behavior in freeway work zones
- Simulation of work zones
- Forecasting demand for clean energy alternative fuels for heavy trucks
- Designing, developing and implementing regional and statewide traffic information data warehouses
- Modeling the impact of intelligent transportation systems and advanced technologies on the performance of the transportation networks and on air quality
- Modeling the impact of advanced traveler information systems and advanced traffic management systems such as electronic toll collection and traffic management systems and remote sensing technologies (AUTOSENSE-III)
- Developing Internet-based applications and information technology applications to transportation systems
- Developing incident detection algorithms
- Traffic simulation
- Traffic safety
- Driver simulators
- Traffic and travel time prediction
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of dynamic message signs
- Modeling route choice behavior
- Using econometric software for forecasting and modeling in transportation planning and engineering
- Developing freight (truck/rail) planning, forecasting and simulation models for seaports
- McCombs*, J., AL-DEEK+, H., and Sandt*, A. “Comparison of Corridor-Level Fatal and Injury Crash Models with Site-Level Models for Network Screening Purposes on Florida Urban and Suburban Divided Arterials,” Journal of Traffic Injury Prevention, Accepted for Publication, November 2023. (2022-2023 Impact Factor =2.183).
- McCombs*, J., Sandt*, A., and AL-DEEK+, H. “Corridor-level network screening and modeling of fatal and serious injury crashes on urban and suburban arterial corridors in Florida,” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, http://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2023.2234327. Published online on 13 July 2023. (2022-2023 Impact Factor =2.825).
- Sandt, A., McCombs, J., AL-DEEK+, H., and Carrick, G., “Improving Law Enforcement and Emergency Response to Disabled Vehicle Crashes Using Waze Crowdsourced Data,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231191522. August 2023. (As of July 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019).
- Sandt*, A., McCombs, J., AL-DEEK+, H., Cornelison, E., and Carrick, G., “Using Crowdsourced Data to Reduce Traffic Congestion by Improving Detection of and Response to Disabled and Abandoned Vehicles on Florida Limited Access Facilities,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231165516 . October 2023. 2677(11): pp: 309-323 (As of July 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019). This paper won the “Best TRB Freeway Operations Paper Award for 2023;” award letter was sent to Professor Al-Deek by the TRB Freeway Operations Committee (ACP20) Chair- US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS), (ACP20), on February 6, 2023. Also, this paper was nominated for the Cunard Paper Award by ACP20 Committee Chair on January 31, 2023. All authors of this paper will be recognized at the 2023 TRB midyear meeting in June 2023 and again at the TRB 2024 annual meeting in January 2024 in Washington, D.C.
- McCombs*, , AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt, A., and Carrick, G., “Evaluation of Two Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Strategies for Improving the Response to Disabled Vehicles,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231166951. April 2023. Pp: 1-13. (As of July 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019)). This paper won the “Best TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (RTSMO) Award for 2023;” award E-mail notification was sent to Professor Al-Deek by the TRB RTSMO Committee Chair- US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS), (ACP20), on January 24, 2023. This best paper award and award certificate will be presented to John McCombs, Ph.D. Candidate, and Professor Al-Deek (Ph.D. adviser), and all authors of this paper will be recognized, at the next TRB Annual Meeting in January 2024 in Washington, D.C.
- Cornelison, E., Sandt, A., McCombs, J., AL-DEEK+, H., and Carrick, G., “Improving Law Enforcement and Emergency Response to Disabled Vehicle Crashes Using Waze Crowdsourced Data,” accepted for publication in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR) (As of June 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019), May 30, 2023.
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., Uddin, N., Ginsberg*, E., McCombs*, J., and Sanchez*, A. L., “Using Wrong-Way Driving Detection Data to Identify Factors that Affect Wrong-Way Driving Behavior and Compare Detection Technologies,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221078560 . August 2022. 2676(7): pp: 434-444 (As of July 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019). This paper won the “Best TRB Freeway Operations Young Professional Paper Award for 2022;” award letter was sent to Professor Al-Deek and his Postdoctoral Fellow and former Ph.D. student, Dr. Adrian Sandt, by the TRB Freeway Operations Committee Chair- US National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS), (ACP20), on January 27, 2022. Also, this paper was nominated for the Cunard Paper Award by ACP20 Committee Chair on January 27, 2022. All authors of this paper were recognized by the TRB ACP20 Committee at the committee’s 2022 midyear meeting in August 2022 and again on January 10, 2023 at the TRB 2023 annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
- McCombs*, J., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., Carrick, G., and Uddin, N., “Analyzing Disabled Vehicle Incident Durations and Crash Response to Identify Service Patrol Expansions and Reduce the Need for Law Enforcement Involvement,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221082583 . August 2022. 2676(7): pp: 630-641 (As of July 1, 2022, Impact Factor =2.019).
- Gamaleldin*, G., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., and McCombs*, J. “Evaluating the Benefits of Using a Context Classification System to Develop Intersection Safety Performance Functions,” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2021.1933285 , June 2021. pp: 1-20 (2022-2023 Impact Factor =2.825).
- Gamaleldin*, G., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., McCombs*, J., and El-Urfali, A. “Regional Perspective of Safety Performance Functions and Their Application to Florida Intersections in Suburban Residential and Urban General Context Classification Categories,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981211008447, October 2021. 2675(9): pp: 1545-1556 (As of June 30, 2021, Impact Factor =2.019).
- Sandt*, A., and AL-DEEK+, H. “Estimating Fatality and Injury Savings Because of Deployment of Advanced Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures on a Toll Road Network,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120986573 , July 30, 2021. 2675(6): pp: 90-103 (Impact Factor =2.019).
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., Blue*, P., and McCombs*, J. “Statewide Application of Wrong-Way Driving Crash Risk Modeling and Countermeasures Optimization Algorithm to Identify Optimal Locations for Countermeasure Deployment on Florida Limited Access Facilities,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120986562 , July 29, 2021. 2675(5): pp: 252-264 (Impact Factor =2.019).
- Gamaleldin*, G., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., McCombs*, J., and El-Urfali, A. “Developing Context-Specific Safety Performance Functions for Florida Intersections to More Accurately Predict Intersection Crashes,” Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2020.1796865, April 2022. 14. No. 4 (14:4), pp: 607-629 (2022-2023 Impact Factor =2.825).
- Salih-Elamin*, R. and AL-DEEK+, H., “A New Method for Determining Optimal Locations of Bike Stations to Maximize Coverage in a Bike Share System Network,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, DOI:10.1139/cjce-2020-0143, September 11, 2020 (Just-In online version), Volume 48, Issue 5, pp: 540-553, Published as Ahead of Print on September 11, 2020 (2022-2023 Impact Factor =1.771).
- Salih-Elamin*, R. and AL-DEEK+, H., “Utilizing Node Importance to Maximize Locations Coverage in a Bike Share System Network,” Advances in Transportation Studies: an International Journal (ATS), Section B 51 (2020), LI Issue, pp. 121-140, May 2020. (Impact Factor =0.32).
- McCombs*, J., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., Gamaleldin*, G., and El-Urfali, A. “Using Context Classification to Develop Intersection Safety Performance Functions: National Survey of Current Practices and Evaluation of Benefits for Rural Florida Intersections,” Journal of Advances in Transportation Studies: An International Journal, LV Issue Number 55, September 2021. (Impact Factor =0.32).
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., Kayes*, I., Blue*, P., and Gamero*, V. “Benefit-Cost Analyses of Rectangular Flashing Bacon Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures on Toll Road Exit Ramps in Florida,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198119895237, March 2020. 2674(1): 11-21 (Impact Factor =2.019). This paper won the “Best TRB Freeway Operations Paper Award for 2020;” award was presented to Professor Al-Deek and his Postdoctoral Fellow and former Ph.D. student, Dr. Adrian Sandt, by the TRB Freeway Operations Committee (ACP20) – US NRC during the virtual mid-year meeting on July 22, 2020, and again during the virtual annual TRB meeting in January 2021. Award was first announced on July 3, 2020 through letter from ACP20 Committee Chair.
- Gamaleldin*, G., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, El-Urfali, A., A., Kayes*, I., and Gamero*, V. “A Roadway Context-Classification Approach for Developing Regional Safety Performance Functions for Florida Intersections,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120906377 , March 2020. 2674(2): 191-202 (Impact Factor =019).
- Salih Elamin*, R. and AL-DEEK+, H., “Short-Term Prediction for Bike Share System’s Travel Time Under the Effects of Weather Conditions,” Advances in Transportation Studies: an International Journal (ATS), Issue 50, pp. 81-94, April 2020. (Impact Factor =0.32).
- Sandt*, A. and AL-DEEK+, H., “An Optimization Approach for Deployment of Intelligent Transportation Systems Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures,” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (J-ITS), https://1080/15472450.2019.1677160, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 40-53, published online on October 21, 2019, appeared in hard copy 2020 (2020 5-Year Impact Factor =4.318).
- Kayes*, I., AL-DEEK+, H., and Sandt*, A., “Comparison of Two Intelligent Transportation Systems Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasures Currently Deployed on Florida Toll Roads,” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (J-ITS), https://doi.org/10.1080/15472450.2019.1638782, Volume 24, Issue 4, pp. 315-330, ISSN: 1547-2450 (print) 1547-2442, published online on July 19, 2019, appeared in hard copy 2020 (Impact Factor =4.318).
- Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., and Kayes*, I., “Responding to the Wrong-Way Driving Problem with Limited Resources by Optimizing the Placement of Wrong-Way Driving Countermeasure Technologies on Limited Access Facilities,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), http://dx.doi.org/1177/0361198119845890, August 2019. 2673 (7): 38–49 (Impact Factor =2.019). This paper was nominated for the Transportation Research Board’s D. Grant Mickle award in March 2019. It was selected as the best paper by the TRB Freeway Operations committee for the year 2019. The paper award was presented to Professor Al-Deek (corresponding author) and all co-authors were recognized during the committee meeting in January 2020 at the 2020 TRB annual meeting in Washington, DC.
- Kayes*, I., Sandt*, A., AL-DEEK+, H., Uddin, N., Rogers*, J., and Carrick, G., “Modeling Wrong-Way Driving Entries at Limited Access Facility Exit Ramps in Florida,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), http://dx.doi.org/1177/0361198119845886, May 2019. Vol. 2673 (8): 567–576 (Impact Factor =2.019). This paper was selected as the best student paper by the TRB Freeway Operations committee for the year 2019. The student paper award was presented to the lead author and coauthors during the committee meeting in January 2020 at the 2020 TRB annual meeting in Washington, DC.
- Kayes*, I., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., Carrick, G., Staves*, C., Gamaleldin*, G., Faruk*, O., and Al-Sahili*, O., “Characteristics of Law Enforcement Response to Wrong-Way Driving Events in Florida,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), http://dx.doi.org/1177/0361198119846456, May 2019. Vol. 2673(9): 514–524 (Impact Factor =2.019).
- Sandt*, A. and AL-DEEK+, H., “A Wrong-Way Driving Crash Risk Reduction Approach for Cost-Effective Installation of Advanced Technology Wrong-Way Countermeasures,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), http://dx.doi.org/1177/0361198118778938, July 2018. Vol. 2672(14): 85–95 (Impact Factor =2.019).
- Kayes*, I., AL-DEEK+, H., Sandt*, A., Rogers*, J., and Carrick, G., “Analysis of Performance Data Collected from Two Wrong-Way Driving Advanced Technology Countermeasures and Results of Countermeasures Stakeholder Surveys,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRR), http://dx.doi.org/1177/0361198118778933, June 2018. Vol. 2672(14): 96-105 (Impact Factor =2.019). This paper was selected as the best paper by the TRB Freeway Operations committee for the year 2018. The paper award was presented to Professor Al-Deek (corresponding author) and all co-authors were recognized during the committee meeting on January 15, 2019 at the 2019 TRB annual meeting in Washington, DC.
*Students and postdoctoral fellows who are co-authors are denoted by superscript (*). Al-Deek or the corresponding faculty name’s author/co-author is denoted by superscript (+).
Funded Research
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek),“Development of a Traffic Incident Management Toolbox and Evaluation of Data Sources for Effective Early Warning and Detection of Abnormal Traffic Conditions,” Sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), award period: December/2023 – November/2025. Source of Funding: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek),“Investigating the Extent of Wrong-Way Driving Events and Identifying Wrong-Way Driving Hotspot Roadway Segments and Lone Wolf Exits with High Wrong-Way Driving Risk on Idaho High-Speed Roadways,” Sponsored by the Idaho Department of Transportation (IDT), , award period: June/2023 – June/2025. Source of Funding: Idaho Department of Transportation (ITD) (Out of State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “CFX Wrong-Way Driving Data Collection, Reporting, and Resolving of Wrong-Way Driving Alerts from CFX Exit Ramps and Mainline Locations,” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: January/2023 – December/2025. Source of Funding: Central Florida Expressway Authority (Regional Government Agency –Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Development of a Roadway Corridor Safety Approach to Identify High-Risk Corridors and Prevent Fatalities on Florida Roadways,” Sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), award period: March/2022 – February/2024. Source of Funding: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Extension to Continuation to Project Wrong-Way Driving Phase-3 Study: Allocating and Evaluating Countermeasures on CFX Roadway Network,” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: January/2022 – January/2023. Source of Funding: Central Florida Expressway Authority (Regional Government Agency –Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Study of Operational and Safety Impacts of Disabled and Abandoned Vehicles on FDOT Roadways,” Sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), award period: January/2021 – September/2022. Source of Funding: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Continuation to Project Wrong-Way Driving Phase-3 Study: Allocating and Evaluating Countermeasures on CFX Roadway Network” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: January/2020 – January/2022. Source of Funding: Regional Government Agency (Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “A Roadway Context Classification Approach for Developing Safety Performance Functions and Determining Traffic Operational Effects for Florida Intersections,” Sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), award period: November/2018 – November/2020. Source of Funding: Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Evaluation of Initial Phase Rollout of Visitor Toll Pass Program: Phase 1,” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: August/2018 – December/2019. Source of Funding: Regional Government Agency (Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “UCF Scope of Work (SOW) in Red Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRRFBs) as Part of Texas A&M Transportation Institute’s (TTI) Proposal to NTTA” Sponsored by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), award period: August/2017 – April/2019. Source of Funding: Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) and North Texas Toll Authority (Out of state)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Extension to Project Wrong-Way Driving Phase-3 Study: Allocating and Evaluating Countermeasures on CFX Roadway Network” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: August/2017 – August/2019. Source of Funding: Regional Government Agency (Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Wrong-Way Driving Phase-3 Study: Allocating Countermeasures on CFX Roadway Network,” UCF Office of Research & Commercialization Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI): 2016, (undergraduate students Antony Shamma and Sara Wertanen), award period: April/2016 – December 2016. Source of Funding: University of Central Florida (Internal)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Deployment and Evaluation of Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Countermeasures for the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Toll Road System, Phase-2 Study,” Sponsored by FDOT, award period: September/2016 – March/2020. Source of Funding: FDOT (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Wrong-Way Driving Phase-3 Study: Allocating and Evaluating Development of Countermeasures on CFX Roadway Network,” Sponsored by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX), award period: August/2015 – August/2017. Source of Funding: Regional Government Agency (Multi-County/City)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Evaluating the Potential of Connected Vehicles in Combating Wrong-Way Driving,” Sponsored by the Southeastern Transportation Center (STC), award period: April/2016 – August/2018. Source of Funding: USDOT (Federal)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “NCHRP 03-117 Traffic Control Devices and Measures for Deterring Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Movements,” Sponsored by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) National Research Council in collaboration with Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI)—Project Lead, UCF is subcontract. Award period for UCF subcontract: June/2015 – February/2018. Source of Funding: National Research Council through Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) (National and out of state)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Evaluating the Impact and Usefulness of Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) and Citizens’ Band Radio Advisory Systems (CBRAS) in Providing Traveler Information and Improving the User Experience on the Florida Turnpike Enterprise’s Toll Road Network and the Florida Interstate Highway (FIH) System,” Sponsored by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), award period: May/2014 – March/2016. Source of Funding: FDOT (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Evaluating the Wrong-Way Driving Incidents Problem on the Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Roadway System,” Sponsored by the Southeastern Transportation Center (STC), award period: April/2014 – March/2016. Source of Funding: USDOT (Federal)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Evaluating the Wrong-Way Driving Incidents Problem on the Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise Roadway System, Phase-1 Study,” Sponsored by FDOT, award period: January/2014 – December/2015. Source of Funding: FDOT (State)
- Sole Principal Investigator (Al-Deek), “Wrong-Way Driving Incidents on OOCEA Toll Road Network, Phase-2 Study: Development of Countermeasures,” Sponsored by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority (OOCEA), award period: March/2014 – March/2015. Source of Funding: Local Government Agency (County)
National and International Awards
- 4 awards: TRB Chairman Awards for Recognition of Al-Deek’s Contribution to the Fields of Freeway Operations and Regional TSM&O (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine —NAS, Washington, D.C.)
- 18 awards: Best Paper
- 11 awards: TRB Freeway Operations Committee Best Paper and Best Young Professional/Student Paper Awards (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine — NAS, Washington, D.C.)
- 6 awards: TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (Regional TSM&O or RTSMO) Committee Best Paper Awards (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine — NAS, Washington, D.C.)
- Best Paper Presentation Award at IRC2019 International Research Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committees Memberships:
- Member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Committee (Reginal TSM&O) ACP10, 2006-Present.
- Active Emeritus Member (2020-present) and Active Member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Freeway Operations Committee ACP20, February 2000 – 2012, 2015-2020. January 2020-Present (membership in ACP20 committee became eternal when granted Emeritus status effective January 2020 after inauguration luncheon of TRB emeritus members).
- Member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Freight Transportation Data Committee ABJ90, August 2000-2009.
- Chairman, Paper Review Subcommittee of the TRB Freeway Operations Committee ACP20 of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2001-Present.
- Chairman, Paper Review Subcommittee of the TRB Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Committee (Regional TSM&O) ACP10 of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2007-Present.
- Chairman, Paper Review Subcommittee of the Freight Transportation Data Committee ABJ90 of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), January 2001-April 2007.
- Member of Research Subcommittee of the TRB Freeway Operations Committee ACP10 of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 1998-2009.
- Co-Chair, with TTI, and in joint collaboration with Traffic Control Devices TRB Committee AHB50, “Special call for papers on wrong way driving,” for TRB 2015 annual meeting, April-May 2014.
- Co-Chair, with TTI, and in joint collaboration with Traffic Control Devices TRB Committee AHB50, “Special panel session of invited speakers on wrong way driving,” for TRB 2015 annual meeting, April-May 2014.
- Friend of the TRB Traffic Law Enforcement Committee (ACS30) of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2020-Present.
- Friend of the Highway Capacity and Level of Service Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) (ACP40), 1996-2018.
- Friend of the Traffic Simulation Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2020-Present.
- Associate member of the Transportation and Air Quality Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 1996-2000.
National Academies—Research Program Panels and Memberships:
- Member, National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) 34, Alternative Technologies for Container Freight Movement, February 2010-2015.
- Member, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) –G03-94 AASHTO’s Transportation Systems Operations and Management Guide, July 2008-2012.
- Member, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) –SHRP-2 C05 Capacity ETG Project Panel on Capacity, January 2007-December 2008.
- Member, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project Panel SP20-58(03), February 2002-2004.
ASEE Memberships:
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2012-2014.
ASCE Memberships:
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers Street and Highway Operations Committee (SHOC), Transportation & Development Institute, Fall 2013-Present.
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1992-2009.
- Member, ASCE Transportation & Development Institute, Environmental Issues Committee (EIC), 1996- 2009.
- Control Member, Traffic Operations Committee of the Urban Transportation Division of ASCE, 1993-2009.
- Chairman, Traffic Operations and ITS Sub-Committee of ASCE, 1993-1997.
- Member, Urban Transportation Division Publications Committee of ASCE (or Member of the Editorial Board of the ASCE Transportation Engineering Journal), 1993-2009.
- Member, Intermodal Planning Committee of the Urban Transportation Division of ASCE, 1998-2009.
- Member, Environmental and Energy Aspects of Transportation Committee of ASCE, 1993-2009.
- Member, Planning Committee of ASCE, 1993-2009.
- Member, ASCE Transportation Technical Group (representing UCF in the local chapter, Orlando, Florida), 1992-1999.
ITE Memberships:
- Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), 1986-2004.
- Member, ITE Florida Section, 1998-2004.
ITS Memberships:
- Member, ITS Florida Section, 1998-2009.
- Member, ITS Committee, MetroPlan Orlando, 2001-2009.
- Member, Florida Statewide ITS Advisory Committee, 1998-2009.
- Member, Central Florida’s Regional Transportation Operations Consortium, 2002-2009.
Service on Florida Statewide Boards:
- Elected by majority vote to serve as Member of the Board of Directors, ITS Florida, January 2003-December 2004 (two year term). ITS Florida had 76 member transportation organizations back then; each member organization is eligible for only one vote. Completed my term in December 2004 and received a letter of appreciation from the President of ITS Florida.
Other Florida Statewide Memberships:
- Actively Registered Professional Engineer, State of Florida, February 1998- present. License renewed until 2/28/2025.
- Member, ITS Florida Statewide Academic Advisory Task Force, March 2005-2009.
- Member, Florida Statewide Incident Management Task Force, 2002-2009.
- Member, Florida Statewide Freight Modeling Task Force, 1998-2009.
- TTE3810: Highway Engineering
- TTE4274: Transportation Systems Engineering
- TTE6256: Traffic Operations
- TTE6205: Highway Capacity
- TTE6270: Intelligent Transportation Systems
- TTE6625: Mass Transit