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Plan for a better future in environmental engineering

Advance your career in engineering with a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering from UCF. The program is designed for students with a background in science, math or engineering, and applicants should be knowledgeable in topics such as chemistry, process design, water resources and air pollution.

Environmental engineering graduate students can choose from two degree paths: the M.S.EnvE or the M.S. in Environmental Engineering. The M.S.EnvE is specifically designed for students with a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering while the M.S. degree allows students from diverse academic backgrounds to specialize in the Environmental Engineering Sciences track. 

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  • UCF is consistently ranked among the top schools for environmental engineering graduate education by U.S. News and World Report.
  • UCF is conveniently located near top environmental engineering employers such as Carollo, Jacobs, Boyd Civil Engineering and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 
  • The program can be completed fully online.
  • Thesis and nonthesis options are available.
  • Choose to pursue an M.S.EnvE or an M.S. with a track in environmental engineering science track.


The M.S. in Environmental Engineering requires 30 credit hours beyond the bachelor’s degree. Admission to the master’s program is based in part on undergraduate GPA, letters of reference, a CV or resume, and a statement of intent. Several factors are considered that point to the potential for success in the graduate program before final admissions decisions are made.

Both thesis and nonthesis options are available. The thesis option requires 24 credit hours of formal graduate-level course work and six credit hours of thesis. The nonthesis option requires 30 hours of formal course work and completion of a culminating experience. For nonthesis master’s students, the culminating experience is submission of a portfolio that satisfies program requirements. It is strongly suggested that part-time students pursue the nonthesis option.

Visit the UCF Graduate Catalog for more information on the M.S.EnvE degree program and the M.S. degree program, which includes a track in environmental engineering sciences. 



July 1




This program has potential ties to professional licensure or certification in the field. For more information on how this program may prepare you in that regard, please view the licensure disclosure for the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering.


Sadia Afrin
Graduate student services coordinator

Naveen Eluru
Professor and graduate program director