Dr Catbas was in Washington DC
to attend a great meeting and reception at the historic building of the Embassy of Japan in Washington DC last week to celebrate some recent work carried out by Japanese colleagues on Probe Data Systems. “I was grateful to be invited and would like to thank our hosts for a wonderful evening. The presentations and discussions make us encouraged that our collective work on on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE), advanced data analysis and smart city concepts will lead to better infrastructure for the people everywhere.” said Dr. Catbas

CITRS hosted researchers and engineers from NASA along with visiting scholars from other universities on Feb. 21, 2019. Discussions on recent activities and exchanges of ideas have been useful

CITRS at 98th Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting
CITRS professors, researchers and students attended the 98th Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) meeting in Washington DC between Jan 13-17, 2019. Multiple presentations of recent work in the areas of structural health monitoring, artificial intelligence assisted inspections, assessment of long span and highway bridges were made. The group also attended several technical meetings

Faculty and Researchers of CITRS wish you a Happy Holiday Season and Wonderful New Year
A semester ends here
, multiple trips for conferences and keynote talks, several journal papers, research studies for me, and don’t forget 25-0 AAC Champion Knights Football HASHTAG#KNIGHT HASHTAG#FOOTBALL
, and most importantly, I completed my two courses with smiling faces, some students graduating, some will return next semester but hopefully the things we all learned together will help us in many ways personally and professionally…

Conference in Hangzhou China
Recently came back to HASHTAG#UCF from SEM Digital Image Correlation and Non-Contact Mechanics Conference in Hangzhou China. I presented a keynote lecture on non-contact computer vision applications for HASHTAG#SMARTCITIES
of large civil structures. Thanks a lot for Zhejiang University for excellent organization. In the meantime, I had some visits to a nearby historic site with my doctoral student and also tried my hobby of calligraphy with a Chinese artist.

Field tests on the world’s 4th longest bridge (Osman Gazi Bridge)
Just recently completed some demonstration studies and field tests on the world’s 4th longest bridge (Osman Gazi Bridge). I would like to thank the bridge owners, directors and engineers. Afterwards, I gave a keynote talk at the International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), presenting a discussion on HASHTAG#SHM
with a talk entitled “Smart City Infrastructure: Advances and Opportunities” My appreciation to conference organizers for the excellent conference, exchange of ideas and hospitality. Again back to HASHTAG#UCF with new friends and ideas on HASHTAG#INFRASTRUCTURE

2 weeks visit to Australia
I just completed an almost 2 weeks visit to Australia. Primarily, to give a keynote on HASHTAG#INFRASTRUCTURE
, papers and also run Bridge Health Monitoring committee meeting at HASHTAG#IABMAS
2018 and in Melbourne, Australia. Big congratulations to Australian colleagues for such a wonderful conference. I also visited Sydney and gave a seminar at the University of Technology Sydney’s Centre for Built Infrastructure Research. Great hospitality and exchange of ideas. Will be heading back to HASHTAG#UCF with a lot of new ideas, friends, and motivation.

Prof. Catbas was awarded Aftab Mufti medal
CECE Faculty Prof. Catbas was awarded Aftab Mufti medal from the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) and Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). The medal was awarded for Dr. Catbas and his team’s work “Performance-based structural health monitoring through an innovative hybrid data interpretation framework.” The Society and Journal issue only one award a year. The medal was awarded at SHMII Conference, held in Brisbane, Australia.
“I am humbled to receive the Aftab Mufti Medal. This was a multi-disciplinary study and I would like to acknowledge my collaborator Dr. George Atia from Electrical Engineering and my doctoral student (now Dr.) Masoud Malekzadeh. This honor will definitely be an additional motivation for our work at UCF” said Dr. Catbas.
Visitors to CITRS from Japan!
Our research group CITRS (WWW.CECE.UCF.EDU/CITRS, HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/CITRSATUCF/) hosted a large group of infrastructure engineers from Japan and we presented our recent work and activities at UCF. In addition, CITRS along with UCF Structural Engineering Student Chapter visited I-4 Ultimate Project, one of the mega projects in Florida and in the US.

Ozan Celik defending his dissertation!
Our team member Ozan Celik defended his dissertation successfully at CITRS Brainstorming and Idea Generation (BIG) Lab. His work brought a different perspective to sensor based Structural Identification and Structural Health Monitoring by using camera and computer vision based approaches with emphasis on flexible structures. The non-stationary nature of certain types of loading was demonstrated on a number of unique lab structures and real life structures. The uncertainty in identifying such structures using conventional methods has been considerably minimized with the advanced methods he has developed and demonstrated. We are very proud. Congratulations Dr. Celik

CITRS Founding Director Dr. Catbas was Honored by UCF as Luminary Leader

UCF recognized 45 faculty members from all of its Colleges on October 18, 2017 during the university’s inaugural Luminary Award presentations for making an impact on the world.
The event, themed like Oscar night, honored those who are academic leaders in their field and are making contributions to the world that are having a significant impact.
The new awards are meant to not only recognize funded research, but also the many kinds of creative works and scholarships that are just as important to the well-being of our society, said Elizabeth Klonoff, vice president of the Office of Research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies. She and Cynthia Young, a former vice provost, created the Luminary Awards.
This year’s recipient is one of College of Engineering and Computer Science professors, Dr. Necati Catbas with the following citation “People rely on the integrity of bridges to stay safe. Catbas is internationally recognized as a leading expert in civil engineering and structural integrity. He is a founding director of the Civil Infrastructure Technology for Resilience, a partnership among academia, industry and government agencies to develop and apply intelligent monitoring, sensing, material, and information technologies to create safer and more resilient civil infrastructure systems.”
Dr. Catbas Won The Technical Excellence – Academia Award

This weekend at the Central Florida Florida Engineers Week Awards Banquet, Dr. Catbas who was nominated by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) won the Technical Excellence – Academia Award. We are very proud of Dr. Catbas. Congratulations. Central Florida Engineers’ Week is made up of representatives from a variety of professional engineering societies in the Central Florida area and provides a common link between all types of engineering. Each year during Engineers’ Week, outstanding contributions to the engineering profession by projects, organizations, and individual engineers are recognized. The highlight of the weeklong celebration is the Annual Awards Banquet where nominees and ultimately awardees of each category are announced. This year’s banquet dinner event took place at Double Tree Hotel on February 28, 2015.

Prof Catbas Visited Turkey To Attend The International Congress On Advances In Civil Engineering
Dr. Catbas presented papers and attended several technical meetings. Also, Dr. Catbas visited the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge, which is a unique, mixed suspension and cable stay bridge. Once finished, the bridge will be the 8th longest bridge in the world. The bridge will have the highest towers in the world with a height of more than 322 meters (it is really high as observed by Dr. Catbas).

Citrs Members Drs Catbas And Yun Attended Iabmas 2014 In Shanghai, China
Dr. Catbas visited once the longest (now 2nd) cable stay bridge (Sutong Bridge) with the designers before the conference. Drs Catbas and Yun made presentations, networked, visited other agencies for meetings and presentations. Overall, this was a very fruitful and enjoyable conference.

Professor Ian Smith Visit And Presentation
Prof. Ian Smith, a Professor of Structural Engineering at the L’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne Switzerland and the Head of the Applied Computing and Mechanics Laboratory visited UCF on July 1, 2014. Prof. Smith presented a review of his recent research on structural engineering, structural identification, information science, infrastructure monitoring, global sustainability, data informatics applications to a number of engineering case studies.

Professor Catbas Presentation
Dr. Catbas made a presentation about the vision, mission, history, and objectives of the CITRS to an interdisciplinary group of faculty on May 15, 2014. The presentation continued with the open discussion about short and long-term goals, research directions and discussion points for future meetings and collaborative work.

Citrs To Host Chinese Delegation
A high-level delegation from Highway Planning and Design Institute visited UCF on May 2, 2014. The delegation was hosted by CITRS to exchange ideas on civil infrastructure systems, the recent major project in China. After HDPI presentation, Dr. Catbas presented made a presentation on behalf of CITRS showing its team and core research strengths with recent findings.

Dr. Catbas Elected To ASCE Fellow
F. Necati Catbas, Ph.D., P.E, F.ASCE, Professor of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering at the University of Central Florida, has recently been elected a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Dr. Catbas expertise is in the area of civil infrastructure systems with special emphasis on structural health monitoring, structural identification, bridge engineering. He has publications and research projects on the development, integration, and implementation of novel technologies and methods for structures such as bridges, buildings, aerospace structures and components, stadium structures. Founded in 1852, ASCE represents more than 144,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide and is America’s oldest national engineering society. Fellow status must be attained by professional accomplishments via application and election by the Review Committee. It is a prestigious honor held by fewer than 4% of ASCE members. Fellows are practitioners, educators, mentors, and most of all leaders. They have distinguished careers that have contributed significantly to the Civil Engineering profession. The accomplishments of Fellows have left their marks on their communities, society, and future engineering professionals.
New Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) Graduate Student Chapter At UCF
UCF is starting a Structural Engineering Institute Graduate Student Chapter. The purpose of SEI Graduate Student Chapter (GSCs) is to enhance the education of students who are preparing to become structural engineering professionals and engage SEI student members in SEI for a successful transition from college to career. The UCF Graduate Student Chapter, which is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, will organize and manage visiting speakers, prospective student events, field trips, participate in SEI, perform outreach activities, and more. Participation in a GSC can help members feel more connected with their peers and broaden their view of what it means to be a structural engineering professional.