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Farzaneh Nosouhian has always had a passion for engineering and for mentoring students. That passion has led her to the UCF Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, where she now serves as a lecturer.

Nosouhian just completed her first semester with the department, after serving as an assistant professor at Alabama A&M University. She received her bachelor’s and master’s in civil engineering from Isfahan University of Technology and completed her doctoral degree and postdoctoral research at the University of South Florida. Most recently, she served as an assistant professor at Alabama A&M University.

“My interest in civil engineering began with a fascination for designing and building infrastructure that positively impacts communities,” Nosouhian says. “The ability to solve real-world problems and contribute to society’s development drew me to this field.”

Wanting the opportunity to shape future engineers, Nosouhian pursued a career in academia to combine her passion for civil engineering with her love of teaching students. She wants her students to be able to tackle complex engineering challenges with a sturdy foundation in technical skills and critical thinking.

“In the future, I aspire to continue inspiring and equipping my students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical mindset needed to excel in civil, environmental and construction engineering,” Nosouhian says. “My goal is to foster a generation of engineers who not only solve technical challenges but also contribute positively to society.”

Looking for a place to enhance her teaching skills and contribute to the education of future civil engineers, Nosouhian was drawn to UCF by its innovative approach to education and its strong commitment to excellence in teaching. In her first semester she enjoyed the vibrant and supportive academic community.

“The collaborative environment among faculty and students has been incredibly enriching, Nosouhian says. “I have also appreciated the university’s strong commitment to innovative teaching practices and the emphasis on student engagement and success.”

Nosouhian emphasizes the importance of instilling ethics, responsibility and lifelong learning in engineers wanting to make meaningful contributions to society.

“I encourage anyone interested in engineering to seek guidance from mentors, gain hands-on experience, stay curious and persevere through challenges,” Nosouhian says.