Steven Duranceau
Email: steven.duranceau@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-1440
Office: ENG II, Room 415
- Biography
- Research
- Publications
- Awards
- Organizations
- Courses
- News
Dr. Duranceau is the Gerry and Ruth Hartman Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Environmental Systems Engineering Institute at UCF. He is a recognized authority in potable water quality engineering and advanced treatment operations. He performs numerous process engineering studies, along with distribution system corrosion control, disinfection by-product, and emerging contaminant treatment investigations. He has supervised numerous doctoral and master’s students who have conducted research in Florida, Georgia, California, and the Cayman, Hawaiian and Marianas Islands.
Recently he was appointed to serve as a technical analyst for the EPA National Drinking Water Advisory Council’s Microbial and Disinfection Byproducts Rule Revisions Working Group. He serves and has served on several editorial advisory boards over the years. Dr. Duranceau was a founding member of the Southeast Desalting Association and is a past-President of the American Membrane Technology Association; he also is a member of AWWA, AEESP, WEF and ACS. He is a licensed professional engineer in Florida and has served as engineer-of-record on several advanced water treatment infrastructure design projects prior to joining UCF in 2007.
- Water quality chemistry
- Physico-chemical and microbiological processes:
- Aeration and oxidation
- Membranes
- Activated carbon
- Ion-exchange
- Disinfection
- Stabilization
- Lead and copper corrosion control
- Distribution system water quality
- Desalination process operation troubleshooting and analysis
- Water distribution system infrastructure
- Blending of alternative water supplies
- Refereed Book Chapter:
- Duranceau, S.J. (2024) Chapter 6 “Silt Density Index” in Experimental Methods for Membrane Applications in Desalination and Water Treatment. Eds. Sergio G. Salinas-Rodriguez and Loreen O. Villacorte. IWA Publishing, 1 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BA, UK.
- Refereed Papers:
- Hagglund, C.R. and S.J. Duranceau. “Screening the performance of a reverse osmosis pilot-scale process that treats blended feedwater containing nanofiltration concentrate and brackish groundwater.” Membranes. 14 (8), 164 (2024).
- Campesino-Karlins, P. and S.J. Duranceau. “Conducting distribution system corrosivity evaluations using an innovative jar test procedure.” Desalination and Water Treatment. 295, 1-17 (2023).
- Shukla, T.L. and S.J. Duranceau. “Comparing hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate ultraviolet advanced oxidation processes for 1,4-Dioxane removal from tertiary wastewater effluent.” Water. 15(7) 364 (2023).
- Whalen, D.A. and S.J. Duranceau. “Impacts of chloride-form anion exchange Seawater Regeneration Performance.” Environmental Technology. 44 (14), 2065-2079. (2023) DOI: 10.1080/09593330. 2021.
- Powell, C. and S.J. Duranceau. “Nanometer and micrometer particle occurrence in feed-concentrate channels of a nanofiltration membrane process.” Desalination and Water Treatment. 242, 1-11 (2021).
- 2021 Best Paper (as a co-Author), Florida Section American Water Works Association’s Fall 2021 Conference: “Evaluating Ozone Oxidation and Granular Activated Carbon for Treatment of Disinfection By-Products.” Florida Section American Water Works Association 2021 Fall Conference: Negotiating the New Normal. Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Orlando, FL (November 28 to December 1, 2021).
- 2020 Best Paper (as a co-Author), Florida Section American Water Works Association’s Fall 2020 Conference: Pathways to the Future – Going Virtual. “Identification of Microbial Communities Colonizing a Granular Activated Carbon Biofilter Treating Upper Floridan Groundwater.” Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate, FL
- 2019 Water Quality Award. Water Quality Person of the Year Award. Southeast Desalting Association 2019 Annual Spring Symposium Racing into Membranes. The Shores Resort & Spa, Daytona Beach, FL (June 2-5, 2019).
- 2019 Best Paper (as a co-Author), Florida Section American Water Works Association 2019 Fall Conference: Building a Resilient Utility. “Scale Inhibitor Dosage: How Low Can You Go?”. Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate, FL (December 8-12, 2019).
- 2018 Top Paper (as a co-Author), “Evaluating the Effect of Changing Disinfectant Type on Corrosion Rates of Common Distribution System Metals.” Florida Section American Water Works Association 2018 Fall Conference: Planning the Future of Water. Omni Orlando Resort at Champions Gate, FL (November 25-28, 2018).
- 2015 College of Engineering and Computer Science Distinguished Researcher Award.
- 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award. Southeast Desalting Association.
- American Chemical Society
- American Institute of Chemists, Inc.
- American Water Works Association
- Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
- American Membrane Technology Association
- European Desalination Society
- International Desalination Association
- Southeast Desalting Association
- ENV 6046: Membrane Mass Transfer
- ENV 6015: Physical-Chemical Treatment
- ENV 6519: Aquatic Chemistry
- ENV 5410: Drinking Water Treatment
- ENV 4562C: Environmental Engineering Water Treatment Plant Senior Design (Capstone)
- ENV 3001: Environmental Engineering