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Jing Hu is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering at the University of Central Florida. She received her doctoral degree at the University of Florida, majoring in soil and water sciences with a minor in statistics, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees from China Agricultural University within the College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, specializing in Agricultural Bio-environmental and Energy Engineering. Hu’s research interests and expertise are in biogeochemistry in managed soil and water systems, with an emphasis on greenhouse gas emission mitigation, and nature-based solutions and ecological engineering for water quality improvement. Her research work has been published in Nature Climate Change, Ecological Engineering, Science of the Total Environment, the Journal of Geophysical Research, and the Journal of Hazardous Materials. Hu is an associate editor for Soil and Water Management of Agronomy Journal and a founding young editorial board member for the Soil and Environmental Health Journal.
- Greenhouse gas emission in natural and managed systems
- Carbon storage and sequestration
- Treatment wetlands
- Biogeochemical processes and management of nutrients and contaminants in soil-plant-water system
- J Hu, DM Mile, A Adeli, JP Brooks, FA Podrebarac, R Smith, F Lei, X Li, JN Jenkins, RJ Moorhead. 2023. Effects of cover crop and soil amendments on soil CO2 flux in Mississippi corn cropping system on upland soil. Environments 10: 19 (IF: 3.7). doi.org/10.3390/environments10020019
- B Lu, J Qian, J Hu, Y Huang, P Wang, J Shen, Y He, S Tang, Y Liu, F Liu, F Li. 2023. Plant rhizosphere defense system respond differently to emerging Polyfluoroalkyl substances F-53B and PFOS Stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443: 130119 (IF: 14.224). doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.130119
- J Qian, B Lu, J Hu, P Wang, W Jin, S Tang, K Li, X He. 2022. The role of fine root morphology in nitrogen uptake by riparian plants. Plant and Soil 472: 527-542 (IF: 4.993). doi.org/10.1007/s11104-021-05270-8
- KR Reddy, J Hu, LG Vardanyan, O Villapando, R Bhomia, T Osborne. 2021. Long-term storage of macro- and secondary- elemental in subtropical treatment wetlands. Ecosphere 12: e03787 (IF: 3.593). doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3787
- Y Huang, P Ciais, Y Luo, D Zhu, Y Wang, C Qiu, DS Goll, B Guenet, D Makowski, ID Graaf, J Leifeld, MJ Kwon, J Hu, L Qu. 2021. Tradeoff of CO2 and CH4 emissions from global peatlands under water-table drawdown. Nature Climate Change 11: 618-622 (IF: 28.862). doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01059-w
- -Featured as Cover Article
- -Highlighted as a News Report by The Conversation, Mirage News, org, The Mandarin, Ecoportal, World Economic Forum, South Africa Today News, The Economic Times, Outlook, Devdiscourse, ForeignAffairs, NAU News, CSIROscope, SkepticalScience.
- J Hu, KS Inglett, MW Clark, KR Reddy. 2020. Nitrous oxide dynamics in soil profiles along a hydrological gradient of subtropical grasslands. Soil Use and Management 36: 682-692 (IF: 3.672). doi.org/10.1111/sum.12637
- -Wiley Top Cited Article 2020-2021 in Soil Use and Management
- J Hu, X Liao, LG Vardanyan, Y Huang, KS Inglett, AL Wright, KR Reddy. 2020. Duration and frequency of drainage and flooding events interactively affect biogeochemistry and N flux in subtropical drained peat soils. Science of the Total Environment 727: 138740 (IF: 10.753). doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138740
- KR Reddy, LG Vardanya, J Hu, R Bhomia, T Smith, WG Harris, O Villapando, S Newman. 2020. Soil phosphorus forms and storage in stormwater treatment areas of the everglades: influence of vegetation and nutrient loading. Science of the Total Environment 725: 138442 (IF: 10.753). doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138442
- Excellent Young Scientist Award, Association of Chinese Soil and Plant Scientists in North America (2022)
- Featured Cover Article in Nature Climate Change (2021)
- Wiley Top Cited Article in Soil Use and Management (2020-2021)
- Graduate Student Oral Presentation Winner, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting (2014)
- Best Poster Award, Soil and Water Sciences Department, UF (2014)
- Honorable Mention Student poster, Water Institute Symposium, UF (2014)
- Graduate Student Oral Presentation Winner, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting (2013)
- Gamma Sigma Delta Certificate of Membership (2012)
- Certificate of Academic Achievement, UF International Center (2011)
- Outstanding Research Achievement Award, China Agricultural University (2009)
- Outstanding Graduate of the year, Beijing City (2008)
- Outstanding Graduate of the year, China Agricultural University (2008)
- Soil Science Society of America
- Society of Wetland Scientists
- American Geophysical Union
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