Hatem Abou-Senna
Associate Professor
Email: habousenna@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-0808
Office: ENG II, Room 301E
- Biography
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- News
Hatem Abou-Senna has over 30 years of experience in traffic engineering, transportation planning and microscopic traffic simulation. His research focuses on the operational and behavioral aspects of the traffic system considering advanced traffic control devices, smart corridors, left turn signalization, driver comprehension and behavior and intelligent intersections with V2V and V2I communication. His research also spans to pedestrian safety and air quality impacts.
He received his master’s and doctoral degrees from UCF in civil engineering in 2003 and 2012 as well as his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Cairo University in 1993 and 2000. He worked in the private and public sectors for 12 years before joining UCF in 2013 as an assistant professor and has been a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida since 2006. He managed over 16 research projects for the Florida Department of Transportation and other agencies with total research funding of approximately $4 Million. He is an advisory board member of UCF Mobility 2030 committee on Transportation and the International Scientific Committee of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the World Academy for Science, Engineering and Technology. Abou-Senna also serves on the UCF Faculty Senate: Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee and Students Success Committee; the Transportation Research Board Air Quality and GHG Mitigation Committee (AMS10); and the Traffic Control Devices Committee (TCP55). He is the faculty advisor for WTS UCF Knights student chapter as well as UCF SSA. Abou-Senna has published over 30 journal papers and has presented his work at several national and international conferences.
- Traffic operations
- Human factors
- Air quality
- Pedestrian and bicycle safety
- Transportation system management and operations
- Sherif, B*., Abou-Senna, H., Radwan, E (2023). “Investigating the Effects of Left-Turn Distracted Drivers on Signalized Intersections’ Traffic Operations”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 96, July 2023, Pages 111-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2023.06.009
- Abou-Senna, H, Hibbert, J. *, Radwan, E., Eldeeb., H., Hashim, A. (2023). “Evaluation of the Dynamic Flashing Yellow Arrow (DFYA) Decision Support System (DSS) in the Field using Before and After Real Time Data” Transportation Research Record, Mar 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231157724
- Abou-Senna, H., Tice, P.*, El-Agroudy, M.*, Gail, H., Mouloua, M., Radwan, E. (2023). “Conspicuity of Various Colored Express Lanes Delineators: Matching or Contrast?” Transportation Research Record. Mar 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981231153653
- Sherif, B.*, Abou-Senna, H, Radwan, E (2022). “Distracted Driving Effects on Headways at Signalized Intersections”. Transportation Research Record, 2677 (3), 738-756, Mar 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221117541
- Tang E.*, Abou-Senna, H., Pande A., Bertini, R (2022). “High-Resolution Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Emissions Before and After the Implementation of a Designated Truck Lane”. American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 7 (1), 19-27, Feb 2022. https://doi:10.11648/j.ajtte.20220701.13
- Abou-Senna, H, Radwan, E. and Mohamed, A (2022). “Investigating the Correlation between Sidewalks and Pedestrian Safety”. Accident Analysis and Prevention Journal, Mar 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2021.106548
- Abou-Senna, H., Radwan, E., Abdelwahab, H. (2021). “Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CATPCA) of Pedestrian Crashes in Central Florida”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Oct 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2021.1988788
- Alfawzan, M.*, Abou-Senna, H., Radwan, E., Bhowmik, T., Eluru, N., El Zayat, S** (2021). “Developing Efficiency Attributes for Right-Turn Flashing Yellow Arrow on Impeding Through and Opposing Left Phases Using a Multinomial Logit Mode”. Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A: Systems, ASCE, Nov 2021. https://doi.org/10.1061/JTEPBS.0000570
Invited book chapters
- Sustainable Civil Infrastructures book series (SUCI): Design and Construction of Smart Cities: Toward Sustainable Community. Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-64217-4. ISBN: 978-3-030-64217-4.
- 2023 WTS Central Florida Chapter Honorouble Ray LaHood Award Orlando, FL
- 2019 Innovative Research: International Conference on Highway Traffic Flow Capacity, Problems and Solutions: “Innovative Intersection Designs” Rome, Italy
- 2017 ITE Best Project Award, ITE Pedestrian and Bicycle Standing Committee: “Assessment of Sidewalk and Bicycle Lane Gaps with Safety”, Toronto, Canada
- Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) – Member
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) – Member
- Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS-UCF Knights Student Chapter) – Faculty Advisor
- Saudi Student Association (SSA Student Chapter) – Faculty Advisor
- UCF Mobility 2030 – Advisory Board Member for Transportation
- World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology (WASET): Editorial Member of the International Scientific Committee for Civil and Environmental Engineering
- TTE 4274: Transportation Engineering Systems
- TTE 4601C: Urban Systems Design
- TTE 5204: Traffic Engineering