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Haofei Yu received his Ph.D. in environmental health from the University of South Florida. Prior to joining UCF in 2017, he was a post-doctoral research scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- Air quality modeling
- Air pollution measurement
- Emission inventory
- Impact assessment
- S.T. Ebelt, R.R. D’Souza, H. Yu, N. Scovronick, S. Moss, H. H. Chang. (2022). Monitoring vs. Modeled Exposure Data in Time-Series Studies of Ambient Air Pollution and Acute Health Outcomes. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology. 2022:1-9. Doi: 10.1038/s41370-022-00446-5
- Eastman, K.A. Stevens, C. Ivey, H. Yu. (2022). On The Potential Of iPhone Significant Location Data to Characterize Individual Mobility for Air Pollution Health Studies. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 16(5):65. Doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1542-7
- Dharmalingam*, N. Senthilkumar, R.R. D’Souza, Y. Hu, H.H. Chang, S. Ebelt, H. Yu, C.S. Kim, A. Rohr. (2021). Developing Air Pollution Concentration Fields for Health Studies using Multiple Methods: Cross-Comparison and Evaluation. Environmental Research, 207:112207. Doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112207
- Yu, C. Ivey, Z. Huang, S. Gurram, V. Sivaraman, H. Shen, N. Eluru, S. Hasan, L. Henneman, G. Shi, H. Zhang, H. Yu, J. Zheng. (2020). Quantifying the Impact of Daily Mobility on Errors in Air Pollution Exposure Estimation Using Mobile Phone Location Data. Environment International. 141:105772. Doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105772
- Yu, A. L. Stuart, Y. Liu, C. Ivey, A. Russell, H. Kan, L. Henneman, S. E. Sarnat, S. Hasan, A. Sadmani, X. Yang & H. Yu. (2019). On the Accuracy and Potential of Google Maps Location History Data to Characterize Individual Mobility for Air Pollution Health Studies. Environmental Pollution, 252: 924-930. Doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2019.05.081
- ENV 3001: Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- ENV 4120: Air Pollution and Hazardous Waste Control
- ENV 6106: Air Pollution Modeling
- ENV 6128: Smart Air Quality Monitoring and Air Pollution Control