Build your career in construction engineering
Plan for a future in construction engineering with a bachelor’s degree from UCF. Florida is among the top states with the highest employment of civil engineers, technicians and technologists, and UCF is conveniently located near top civil and construction engineering companies such as Harris Engineers, Dave Schmitt Engineering and Turner Construction.
UCF’s construction engineering program focuses on project management, cost estimation and scheduling, and managerial accounting. With this degree, you can combine knowledge of technical engineering design, economic and managerial processes, labor and equipment to successfully deliver constructed facilities in a timely fashion that meet budget and quality requirements.

- UCF is consistently ranked among the top schools for engineering undergraduate education by U.S. News and World Report.
- UCF is ranked the among the top five U.S. transportation science and technology programs, and is consistently ranked among the top civil engineering programs by ShanghaiRanking.
- UCF is located near major civil and construction engineering organizations such as Dave Schmitt Engineering, Turner and McLaren.
- Choose an accelerated track that allows you to earn a B.S. and M.S. simultaneously.
- Sit for the national Fundamentals of Engineering exam during your senior year and move one step closer to professional licensure.
The B.S. in Construction Engineering requires 128 credit hours, including general education classes, common program prerequisites, basic and advanced core classes, restricted electives and a discipline-specific and capstone design courses.
There are no additional requirements for admission into the program beyond admission to UCF.
Students also have the option of pursuing the accelerated track, which allows them to earn a master’s degree as well as a bachelor’s degree. Qualified students may apply for the accelerated track upon completion of 64 credit hours. They may choose to complete a master’s degree in civil engineering; however, acceptance into the accelerated track does not guarantee admission into the graduate program.

This program has potential ties to professional licensure or certification in the field. For more information on how this program may prepare you in that regard, please view the licensure disclosure for the construction engineering program.
Mary Lynne Rush
Undergraduate advisor
Amr Oloufa
Professor and program coordinator